The Marshmallow Grandma Strikes Back
As Logged By: Agent West The Sheriff and three babies succeeded! They saved Grandma and the bunnies were defeated. But Grandma knew the bunnies would come back. Who can resist a delicious marshmallow snack? Marshmallows, marshmallows everywhere Until the bunnies start to shout, “Beware!” A magic spell that turns them into marshmallows too? Sounds too far fetched to be true. I love the story of how the Sheriff and three babies saved Grandma from the marshmallow crazed bunnies almost as much as I love blowing a good spit bubble. But, Agent Chase left the best part out. Do you want to know how that Grandma made sure they could keep going camping and keep roasting their marshmallows without ever fearing of another bunny attack? As the story goes: The Grandma, the Sheriff, and the three babies all cheered. They hooted and tooted that they escaped the crazy bunnies' lair. "That was some stench!" Grandma cried between laughs. "It almost was