The Diabolical Marshmallow Bunny Attack
As Logged By: Agent Chase Camping can be so much fun, Especially for Grandma and her son. Her three grand-babies are delighted For the bag of marshmallows has them excited. But woodland bunnies love marshmallows, too! They’ll attack before anyone can say, “BOO!” Saving Grandma will be quite rough. But her three grand-babies are tough! It was a perfect day to go for a camping trip. Grandma packed the bags with food and her son, the Sheriff, packed the tent and tools. Three, little grand-babies watched with glee. This was their first camping trip and they knew what came once the sun went down and the fire was started. Marshmallows. Warm, gooey, roasted marshmallows. Into the woods, the five of them went. Grandma and the Sheriff singing camping songs as the babies hummed along. They pointed at threes, they watched birds fly, and they laughed at the cute bunnies bouncing across their path. If only they knew… “Who’s ready for marsh