A Cuddle and A Smack

As Logged By:

Agent Rose


When being cute comes so naturally,

You'd think this baby was innocent and sweet.

 Not one that took pride in acting diabolically.

And, sadly, my parents think they've got me beat!


They have caught on to my scheme

And waged dastardly plans of their own.

But things aren't always what they seem.

Just wait until I have them alone! 


They bought a pen!  One without a door to crack and break.

And that sneaky Mommy and conniving Daddy have set it up in the living room, where they can always have an eye on me.

"There," said Mommy once they finished snapping all the pieces together.  "Let's see her get out of that."

I hang my head in shame as I admit that I have yet to break through the colorful, woven plastic barrier.  I tried using the kiddie screwdriver to no avail.  The soft teddy was too squishy to give me a boost.  A blow torch might work, though I don't quite know where I'd get my hands on one.

I will conquer the pen one day!  Mark my words.  And it'll be sometime soon!  Until then, I must find another way to get back at Mommy and Daddy for their borderline diabolical deed.

How to do this?  What to do?  How to execute what must be the perfect plan?

I ponder in my prison of a pen while Mommy does a few dishes.  I grip the top edge of my pen with both hands, then rest my chin between them.  It is a comfy position in which to think.  Little do I realize that my natural cuteness is starting to show through.

"Oh, Sweetie.  You look so adorable like that!"

Mommy runs to grab her phone and snap as many pictures as she can.  I even humor her by widening my eyes so I look like a begging cutie pie.

"I can't say, 'no,' to that," she cries and lifts me into her arms.

Well...  that was an easy way to get out of the pen.  And I hug Mommy just to show my appreciation.

"Honey, look!"  Mommy nudges Daddy.  "She's cuddling with me."

"You need to leave her in the pen," Daddy protests.  "She needs to get used to being in there," he says before he separates Mommy from me.

I will not go back in that pen!  And I let Daddy know by smacking him repeatedly on the head along the way.  He sets me down inside the pen, but I go right back to my spot with beggingly beautiful, wide eyes.

Mommy stares, she blinks, her eyes widen in helpless torture.  Though she walks away, she quickly comes right back to heed my plea by carrying me.

That's a good Mommy.  Here's a cuddly hug as your reward.

Daddy may not like it, but I say, "Let the Mommy, Daddy battle diabolically begin!"


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