Too full to be diabolical

 As Logged By:

Agent West

Smashed, loaded, and coated to please

I swallowed every bite of that grilled cheese.

Now my tummy is nice and round.

Tonight, I’ll be sleeping very sound.

What to do until then, though?

I should be diabolical. But, no.

I’m way too full to do something dastardly.

Maybe I’ll do some weeding, quite masterfully.

Ahhh, the sweet, sweet bliss of a belly full of yummy grilled cheese.

So smashed. So loaded. So coated….


I guess I can forgive Mommy for eating the blendered beef stew. It was only the left overs, after all.

Ooh, but I’ve fallen behind on being a diabolical dude. I might have done something truly disastrous. I almost did, if Mommy hadn’t jumped into action and made an awesomely delicious ham and avocado grilled cheese.

Ahhh, good old Mommy.

I should pay her back.

What if I did something diabolical for her? I could borrow Agent Rose’s double stink bomb and send Mommy head over heels in putrid blooms of a stench filled attack. Maybe she would prefer something truly abominable and totally different. I could fill the room with spit bubbles and booger wads.

Hmm, I do like that idea.

But, maybe for next time.

I’m too full to think dastardly. Too satisfied to boldly make Mommy and Daddy smell stinks they’ve never smelled before.

This diabolical dude is going to mix things up for a change.

Throw a curveball, if you will.

I’m going to do something nice this time!

What to do? What to do? Well, Mommy is absolutely crazy when it comes to those little pots of dirt on the table. She carefully laid something she called a seed inside each and every one and has been watering the pots of dirt morning and evening ever since.

Now some green things are sprouting in them. This can’t be.  They must be weeds!  I can't allow it. Poor Mommy will have a fit when she finds weeds growing in her precious pots.

I must rid this dirt of those horrible, green things. I shall do it at once!


With no trouble at all, I crawl over to the table and heft my full, very, very full, belly up on top of the chair.  Eww, so many little, green things poking out of that beautiful dirt.

This looks like a weed and this looks like a weed. I pull and pull, yanking each and every one of those sneaky green things growing out of the dirt.

Man, Mommy has certainly let an awful lot of weeds start growing in her little pots.  Has she been slacking or something?

Ah, here she comes.  Prepare, Mommy, for a wonderful surprise! 


She gazes upon my magnificence. She gasps at the grandly awesome, oh-so-kind deed I’ve just finished of ridding her pots of dirt of those horrible, little weeds.

“West, did you just pull out all of the tomato seedlings?”

Those weird, ugly, green things? Yes, Mommy, I pulled them out.

Every. Single. One.

You’re welcome.



Upcoming Log:  Diabolical balloon pops

Previous Log:  When Mommy won't stop crying


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