
Showing posts from October, 2024

A diabolical reminder

 As Logged By: Agent Chase The question recently came about Of what started me on this route. Here's a reminder for you all To know why I became diabolical.  Oh, how grand.  I look like an old man. Is it my smile or nose?  It can't be my tan. Is it my cheek bones?  My jaw line? Tell me now or I'll threaten to cry and whine!     "What started it all?"  You ask.  What turned me from cutely innocent to diabolical and maniacal?  What started me on this quest to drive my parents mad?     Well, you're looking at it ladies and gents.     My parents couldn't get enough of that oh so famous Star Trek.  So, guess what they did the moment I was born!  They compared me to their favorite captain:  Jean-Luc Picard. "Oh, look at her eyes!" "No, look at her chin!' "Can't you see, it's in her expression!" "It's Patrick Stewart.  Yes, it is!" Oh, how grand.  At just a few hours old, I apparently look like an old man. 

A diabolical truce

 As Logged By: Agent West With The Puppy A diabolical plot was hatched One that could never be matched, Because the Puppy is coming over today! But, now, I’m too tired to play. Agent Chase’s truce may have ended, I think I’ll make mine extended. A simple truce to get some sleep As long as no one makes a peep.     “Guess what, West!” Mommy squeals just as I was finally getting some shut eye. “Your puppy friend is coming over to play today.” Huh? The Puppy? Today? No way! The Diabolical Drei knew this day was coming. Mommy couldn’t keep quiet about her mischievous plan of a play date between this diabolical dude and… The Puppy! To add extra emphasis, a lightning bolt burst brightly outside. I might have thought that was cool. I might have laughed, thrown a toot, and drooled. But, this baby got no shut eye last night. And all because of those lightning bolts. First one storm, then the next. All stinking night! And, now, th