A diabolical truce

 As Logged By:

Agent West


The Puppy

A diabolical plot was hatched

One that could never be matched,

Because the Puppy is coming over today!

But, now, I’m too tired to play.

Agent Chase’s truce may have ended,

I think I’ll make mine extended.

A simple truce to get some sleep

As long as no one makes a peep.



“Guess what, West!” Mommy squeals just as I was finally getting some shut eye. “Your puppy friend is coming over to play today.”

Huh? The Puppy?

Today? No way!

The Diabolical Drei knew this day was coming. Mommy couldn’t keep quiet about her mischievous plan of a play date between this diabolical dude and…

The Puppy!

To add extra emphasis, a lightning bolt burst brightly outside. I might have thought that was cool. I might have laughed, thrown a toot, and drooled.

But, this baby got no shut eye last night. And all because of those lightning bolts. First one storm, then the next. All stinking night! And, now, those lightning bolts are taunting me. Laughing in my face because I’m too tired to follow through on Agent Chase’s diabolically plotted scheme.


Ah, poop.

I look over at the toy box, where the stink attack awaits. I grind my gums together, I wrinkle a frown.

I don’t feel like crawling over! I’M TOO TIRED!!!!

Bracing for impact, I declare defeat and wait for the Puppy’s wet-nosed kisses.

And wait.

And wait.

I peek one eye open, then the other.

Dragging feet and slumped tail, the Puppy barely makes it inside before he flops down.

“Sorry, my baby isn’t as up for playing today, West. The storms kept him up all night,” Mommy’s friend apologizes, before immediately beaming and diving in to Mommy gossip. “Did you hear about…”

You’re tired, too? I dare to ask.

“Harumph,” The Puppy whimpers, lifting his eyes enough to see if I’m going to attack.

I look over at the toy box again. I glance at the Puppy.

Tell you what, I start my offer. You let me take a nap and I won’t give you a stink attack.

“Harumph!” The Puppy agrees with three floppy beats of his tail on the carpet.

I crawl on over, hesitant at first. Maybe this is one of the Puppy’s plots. Maybe he’s waiting for me to shut my eyes just so he can get me.

But, the Puppy makes it clear that this is a true truce.

He rolls over onto his side and offers his belly. A true truce it is!

I give him a belly rub and snuggle on down.

“OH!” Mommy squeals, jolting us awake. “I can’t believe she did that!”

“YES!” Her friend squeals right back, just as loud.

Like two hens with their nonstop squawking!

I glance at the Puppy. He lifts an ear.

On three. One. Two. Three!


“Ugh!” They both yell.

“Which one did that come from?”

“I don’t know! It sounded like both.”

“Oh! It’s starting to stink. Quick, let’s get out of here.”

Off they bolt, leaving the Puppy and me alone. Hehehe!

Now, time for a nap.


Upcoming log:  A diabolical reminder

Previous log:  Did Daddy blame the teddy bear?


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