A Diabolical Turkey Lurking

As Logged By: Agent Chase I hear Gobbles gobbling close by. He’s sneaking closer to the pie. Will he try to eat it? Or, is he going to fling it? A crazy turkey is on the loose. Not to be confused with the plastic goose. Does he think we’re going to eat him? When we really want to keep him! Thanksgiving is fast approaching, which means that Mommy and Daddy are running around like crazy. I’ve tried throwing stink bombs in their paths, I’ve tried letting out toots with stinky gas. But, they’re too wired to notice anything. Not even the sauerkraut I stealthily slipped into their coffee! Gobble, gobble. There’s that noise again… I heard it last night before I went to bed. This diabolical mastermind knows something is afoot. Someone is sneaking around. Someone is watching me. I can feel it in my diaper. I look to the left. I look to the right. But, I can’t find anything from behind this play pen. “ Where is he?!” Mommy runs ...