A Diabolical Chicken Soup for the Soul Announcement

 As Logged By:

Agent Rose

Mommy's getting quite excited.

Her writing bug has been ignited.

Now she has two stories to share.

For once, there's no need to beware.


Chicken Soup for the Soul it is!

Tales of Christmas, the title is.

Filled with 101 different stories

From Christmas caroling to oyster worries.

"It's here!  It's here!"  Mommy screams and runs around the house, completely jolting me out of my cutie tootie sleep.  "AHH!  I can't believe it!"

What's going on?  Is it cake?  Is it a plush toy?  Left over Halloween candy?  A stink bomb?
What is it?

What?  WHAT!?

"Look, Rosie!  It's Chicken Soup for the Soul:  Tales of Christmas.  Can you believe it?!"

I offer Mommy a smile, though I'm still waking up and have no idea why she's screaming and jumping.  Can those eyes get any wider?  They aren't going to fall out are they?

"There's one hundred and one stories about the holidays in here," Mommy starts to explain.

Stories about the holidays?  That sounds fun.  I bet some are sweet, I bet some are goofy.  Will Mommy read some of those to me?

"And..."  Mommy's smile beams until I'm sure she's going to explode.  "Two of them are by me!  That's right!  Your mommy is in here not once, but twice!  Can you believe it?"

When did you have time to write?  When did you have a sound enough mind to write?  

Hold on...

I need to do a better job terrorizing you, Mommy.  I must up the toots, gargantuanize the messes, blast my screams not only at 1:00 am, but at 2:00 and 3:00.

"I'm so happy!"  Mommy squeals, picking me up and spinning us around.  "One, A Tradition of Days Long Past, is about the first time we went Christmas caroling.  Do you remember that?"

How could I forget?

That was the evening I learned how to plug my ears after Mommy decided she was no longer too shy to sing.

"The second one, The Dreaded Oysters, is about your Great Grandma's oyster dressing and how much I hate oysters, but love her."
Oyster dressing?
Is that the stuff you used to sneak onto my plate so that the family would think you finished your plate?

"This is so amazing!  Oh, Rosie, I'm so excited!"

Mommy brings me close and squeezes with one of her bear hugs.  

I'm happy for you, Mommy.  I really am, but you're squeezing awfully tight and I'm afraid I might...


"Ohhhhhh, Rosie," Mommy groans.  "That's a stink like never before."

Hehe, feel free to check out the Chicken Soup for the Soul:  Tales of Christmas book!


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