The Marshmallow Grandma Strikes Back

 As Logged By:

Agent West

The Sheriff and three babies succeeded!

They saved Grandma and the bunnies were defeated.

But Grandma knew the bunnies would come back.

Who can resist a delicious marshmallow snack?

Marshmallows, marshmallows everywhere

Until the bunnies start to shout, “Beware!”

A magic spell that turns them into marshmallows too?

Sounds too far fetched to be true.

I love the story of how the Sheriff and three babies saved Grandma from the marshmallow crazed bunnies almost as much as I love blowing a good spit bubble.

But, Agent Chase left the best part out.  

Do you want to know how that Grandma made sure they could keep going camping and keep roasting their marshmallows without ever fearing of another bunny attack?  

As the story goes:

The Grandma, the Sheriff, and the three babies all cheered.  They hooted and tooted that they escaped the crazy bunnies' lair.  

"That was some stench!"  Grandma cried between laughs.

"It almost wasn't enough," the Sheriff admitted.  "I don't know if we'll be able to toot off another attack."
"Do you think they'll be back?"
"Of course, I do."  The Sheriff gave a great nod of his head.  "Those sneaky bunnies love marshmallows too much.  It's either give up the marshmallows or get attacked."

Does this mean no more marshmallows?  The babies feared.  

Could it be the end of crispy, toasted marshmallows oozing with gooey centers?  Of flinging marshmallows that had caught on fire?  Of S'mores?

Grandma took one look at the babies' sad faces.  "We can't let those bunnies stop us from our camping tradition.  Just you watch, little ones.  When you come over next weekend, I'll be ready."  Her eye twinkled as she said, "I've got a plan."
The babies could hardly wait for the next weekend to roll around.  They tooted their diapers trying to keep patient.  
"We're here."  The day had finally come.  "Let's see what Grandma has done."
The Sheriff opened the door to a house full of marshmallows.  Marshmallows on the couches, marshmallows on the floor.  Marshmallows in the sink, marshmallows behind every door!
"Grandma!"  The Sheriff called out.  "What have you done?"
"What do you think of my plan?"  Grandma asked with a smirk.
Plan?  The babies asked.  That's when they noticed something specific about the marshmallows and finally started to understand.
Heaving the bags into the truck, Grandma said, "Let's go camping.  If those bunnies give us an ounce of trouble, they'll get a scare that'll keep them hiding under their beds with nightmares."  
Sunset came and they started their campfire.  
"Grab a stick," Grandma said and opened a bag of fresh marshmallows.
No sooner had she done so, then a twig snapped nearby.
"Here they come.  Get ready everyone."
The babies hid behind Grandma and the Sheriff.  They peeked around their legs to find cotton tails bouncing toward them at frightening speeds.
"Now!"  The Sheriff shouted and they toppled the slew of Grandma's special marshmallows right in front of the bunnies.  
Not just any kind of marshmallows, though.
Bunny shaped marshmallows.  So realistic, so cute.
The bunnies stopped and cocked their heads.  What's this?  They all seemed to question and waited for an explanation.
"Behold, you terrible bunnies!"  Grandma announced with a cackling laugh.  "I've found a spell book that'll turn every single one of you into marshmallows, too.  Be gone!  All of you, or join these poor bunnies and be turned into marshmallows forever!
The bunnies squeaked with a whispered shriek and bounded away from the terrible sight.  Their puffy tails quivering in fright.  Never again would they attack anyone roasting marshmallows, lest they suffer the curse of becoming marshmallows, too.

"How did you know that would work?"  The Sheriff asked once the coast was clear.

"I didn't," Grandma confessed.  "But, the stores didn't mind me buying every bunny shaped peep I could find."


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