Diabolical Cookie Crumbs

 As Logged By:

Agent Rose


Who doesn’t like a Christmas cookie?

Whether fancy or simply low key.

But, Mommy won’t stop baking

And the oven timer has me waking.

Time to put an end to all of this

I’ll take the cookie with a chocolate kiss

Munch, munch, munch on my parent’s bed

Til’ the crumbs keep them awake instead.


Beep!  Beep!  Beep!

Not again.  

How's a girl to get her tooty beauty sleep if Mommy keeps setting that blasted oven timer all through the day AND night?

Beep!  Beep!  Beep!

That's it...


"Oh, Rosie.  Did I wake you?"  Mommy asks as she comes in to comfort me.  "I'm sorry, Sweetie, but you know that I have to make enough cookies for the family or someone might not get one of each.

One of each?  How many types of cookies has this woman been baking?
As soon as Mommy carries me into the kitchen, I see the stacks and stacks of cookies.  Green ones shaped like trees, double layered ones with cream in the center, stained glass ones, thumbprints with chocolate kisses in the center, and ones that look like a cookie version of fruit cake.  

Didn't, even, Pee Wee Herman say that we've had enough with the fruit cake?

I look at my mommy, my mouth completely agape.  How can she think that anyone would need this many cookies?

Beep!  Beep!  Beep!

Mommy sets me down.  "The next batch is done," she beams.  "Now I only have three more kinds to make."

My eyes bulge open.  This baby can't take much more of this.  

While Mommy's not looking, I crawl my way over to one of the trays.  Specifically, the one teeter-tottering on a pile of books.  Just close enough for my baby arms to reach.

I sneak a cookie.  I sneak two more.  They are the good ones, after all.  Thumbprints with kisses in the center.
I hide them in my onesie.


I wait.

Nap time finally rolls around again.  My yawns are not pretend.

This baby is exhausted.

But, I can't let myself go to sleep.  Not yet.

"Time for a nap, Little Rosie."

"MMHHMM."  I stretch my hand out toward my parent's bed and pout my lip a bit.

"What?  You want to nap on our bed, instead?"  Mommy wrinkles her nose as she contemplates.  "Oh, okay.  I guess I can let you do that."


I lay my head down and don't make a sound.  Mommy watches for a few minutes, then rushes off to continue with her crazy baking.

Time to get those cookies out of my onesie.  A good thing, too.  They are starting to itch and tickle.

Munch, munch.  I snack away, making sure to drop as many crumbs onto the bed as I possibly can.  On Mommy's side, of course.  Poor Daddy is already frazzled enough with the beeping oven and cookie laden kitchen.  He has no room for his burger and fries, or a bacon side.
Mmm, I do like bacon.

Munch, munch.  I move on to the next cookie.  

"Num, num," I remark.  These are rather good.

Ah!  I gasp.  
Mommy is coming up the stairs.

Munch, munch.  I rush with the third and fall onto the bed and pretend to snore.

"Oh, my little baby was tired," Mommy coos when she opens the door.  "I'm sorry, Rosie, but it's time to get up."

I don't give her any trouble.  Instead, I wait for nightfall.

Mommy has finally finished with her baking...  For today.  Her eyes are drooping, her shoulders slouching.  

"Why did you have to make so many cookies?"  Daddy asks, already half asleep.

"I really don't know.  It sounded like a good idea," Mommy confesses and lays down in the bed.
One second later, she rolls over.  One more second and she's rolling again.  
"What is in this bed?"
Over and over she rolls and rolls.  I can't help but giggle.  That's when Mommy stops and she instinctively looks at me.



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