A Curious Turkey and Mashed Potatoes

 As Logged By:

Agent Chase

Mashed potatoes doesn't hit the spot

Not even when their buttery and hot.

I'm too distracted by Gobbles' right now

To even think of eating this chow.

His curiosity gives me an idea

That might be funnier than diarrhea.

Plops of mashed potatoes on the floor,

Look like something Mommy would abhor.

I do like mashed potatoes. 

I really do.

Especially, with so much butter melting right into those fluffy spuds.
But, whenever I try to take a bite, Gobbles calls out with his crazy, gurggly yelp.  Down to the floor my spoonful falls.  A complete accident, I assure you.  Except, it doesn't stop Mommy from giving me a hard time.
"Chase, that's enough throwing food onto the floor," she scolds.
If I was doing it on purpose, I could understand.  But, these are accidents.  Slips of the tatters.  All because of Gobbles.
"GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE!"  He squawks just when I decide to try again.
SPLAT!  Into my lap this time.  Right on my favorite onesie.

I glare at Gobbles, who cocks his head from left to right before pecking at the floor again.  Spotting something catchy, he tilts his head and gives a one-eyed stare.

That sideways, one-eyed stare really does give me the willies.  

I wish he would stop!


I fling a glob of mashed potatoes his way.  The mushy mash landing just behind him, making him jump with a gobble.

"What in the world?"  Mommy spins around.  Her eyes widening until they look like they're about to pop.  "Gobbles!  Did you just do a doodie on my kitchen floor?"

"Gobble, gobble!"  The baby turkey innocently responds and promptly starts pecking at the mashed potato glob.

"Eww!  Don't eat your poop!"  Mommy screams and runs to fetch the paper towels.

While her back is turned, I give a little smirk and fling another glob down.

"GOBBLE!"  Gobbles jumps and turns around to one-eyed stare at this new pile.

"Not again!  Honey!  Gobbles is pooping all over the floor."

"Oh, no.  I'm coming," Daddy calls, racing into the kitchen.  Except, he doesn't see the globs of mashed potatoes until it is too late.


He slides across the floor, landing on his back.  And, thus, landing on the piles of mashed potatoes masquerading as turkey poop.

For a second no one moves.  All eyes are wide, all staring down at Daddy.  His mouth opens with a horrid gasp.

"Did I just land in turkey poop?"
Hehe, will they ever realize that it's really mashed potatoes?

Not that I can really care, the look of horror on their faces is perfect.  Especially, when Gobbles walks over to have another bite.

Upcoming Log:  Diabolical Cuteness



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