Adorably Diabolical with Toasted Marshmallows

 As Logged By:

Agent West

Have I stuck it in my hair?

Or all along the back of the chair?

Who doesn't love a toasted marshmallow,

especially with some raspberry jello?!

Mommy's screaming gives me a headache.

I might have to make a jailbreak.

Will smearing marshmallow on Mommy's face

Turn her into a complete nutcase?


 "Oh, no!  Not your hair!"  Mommy screeches and grabs her own hair, giving it a pull.  "West, how am I going to get that out?"


It started out with an indoor S'more bash.  It started with some marshmallows toasting over a miniature flame.  I might have smeared some on my face and gotten Mommy to laugh.  I might have grinned adorably, egging Mommy on to give me a few more.

Now, I have marshmallow smeared all over my clothes and I have marshmallow smeared all over Mommy's, too.

She tries to stop me, but I start to crawl away, smearing marshmallow on the carpet as I go.

"No!  Not the floor!"

It's a diabolical dude masterpiece.  Any second I will drive Mommy to complete nutcase insanity.

I grab the closest thing I can, smearing marshmallow on the back of the chair.

That only gets a glare, however.  

"You're lucky, little man," Mommy growls between tightly clenched teeth.  "You're so very lucky that that is a wooden chair or I would end your diabolical escapades."

Well, that didn't work.  
I really thought smearing the chair in sticky sweet, toasted marshmallow goo would have her screaming like a mommy gone crazy.

I meet Mommy's glare.  

"Don't you dare."

I scoop up some marshmallow goo straight from the carpet, never once breaking eye contact.  I reach my arm out until it hovers over the special raspberry jello Mommy made for her dinner party tonight.  

"West!"  She seethes, but it is too late.


Mommy stares down at the ruined dessert, her body twitching in little spasms.  Her lower lip starts to tremble in a way I hadn't expected.  Finally, she falls straight down and wails with tears gushing like a never ending waterfall.

That might have been too far.

More screaming wails, and I debate running away.  A jail break before my ears begin to bleed.

But I start to feel bad.  I may be a diabolical dude, but I'm still an adorable love bug.

I crawl over to Mommy.  She sniffles as she watches me.

I scoop one small glop from the plate and dab her nose.  The sticky marshmallow pokes out from her nose like a clown's.  While she silently gapes at me, I dab my nose as well.  

Mommy and baby, a perfect marshmallow pair.

I brace for the possible scream, but her shoulders begin to bounce.  A smile spreads and a laugh escapes.

"Come here, you goober," Mommy says and pulls me in for a hug.


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